Opening Ceremony of HKU Shenzhen Institute of Research and Innovation
30 Dec 2011
The opening ceremony of the HKU Shenzhen Institute of Research and Innovation (HKU-SIRI) was held at HKU-SIRI at the Shenzhen Software Park today (December 30). Shenzhen Vice Mayor Chen Biao delivered a speech and HKU Vice-Chancellor Professor Lap-Chee Tsui gave the opening remarks at the ceremony.
About 200 distinguished guests, including Shenzhen Government Officials, HKU Council members, HKU Alumni, and representatives of Shenzhen local institutes participated in the event.
The HKU Shenzhen Institute of Research and Innovation was incorporated in March 2011. One of the development strategies of HKU for the years 2009 to 2014 is to create an environment that supports academic research; therefore, the setting-up of HKU-SIRI corresponds with the University's key plans. HKU-SIRI is an integral part and an extension into the Chinese Mainland of the research conducted by HKU, and it also plays an important role in transferring science and technology from HKU to the Mainland.
To better serve economic construction and social development through scientific research, HKU-SIRI promotes hi-tech, knowledge transfer, industry incubation, the introduction of key laboratories and research centers, and focuses on strengthening the partnerships between HKU, Shenzhen, the Pearl River Delta and the entire Chinese industry.
Currently, HKU is applying to the Shenzhen Municipal Government for land in order to build a research base for the introduction of more hi-tech R&D projects and talent training programmes, and the further upgrading of the cooperation programmes between Hong Kong and Shenzhen in scientific research, education and industry.
Looking forward, HKU-SIRI will provide research and development in high-end and cutting-edge disciplines, support and enhance the capacity of independent innovation. Conversely, Shenzhen's economic development, corporate power, and entrepreneurship can provide HKU with a new platform for future development.
HKU-SIRI has recently been granted funding for three projects under the National Key Basic Research Development Program (973 Program):
1) Brain mechanisms underlying Chinese language processing and the neurogenetic basis for its disorder
Chief Scientist: Prof. TAN Lihai (Department of Linguistics):
2) Power System Planning and Operation with Large-Scale Wind Integration
Project Leader: Prof. WU Fuli (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
3) Aeroacoustics and Advanced Noise Control for Large Passenger Aircraft
Project Leader: Dr. HUANG Lixi (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
For details of HKU-SIRI, please contact Ms Rebecca Sun (Executive Officer, HKU-SIRI) (tel: (86) 755 8633 8205; email:
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: (852) 2859 2606; email: or Ms Melanie Wan (Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: (852) 2859 2600; email:

Opening ceremony of HKU-SIRI
Plaque unveiling by HKU Vice-Chancellor Professor Lap-Chee Tsui and Shenzhen Vice Mayor Mr Chen Biao